Fabian Raphael Sokolowski | IL GATTOPARDO




Né en 1997 à  Würzburg, Fabian Raphael Sokolowski vit et travaille à Düsseldorf. De 2017 à 2024, il a étudié les Beaux-Arts à la Kunstakademie Düsseldorf avec Peter Piller et  Maximiliane Baumgartner. Entre 2022 et 2023, il a fréquenté la Royal Academy of Fine Arts de Copenhague sous la direction de Ferdinand Ahm Krag.

Ses œuvres ont été exposées dans des expositions personnelles et collectives, notamment à la GalleryQ (Copenhague), au Malkastenpark (Düsseldorf) et chez Sotheby’s (Cologne). En outre, il travaille en tant que commissaire et théoricien, se concentrant sur la responsabilité dans la modernité post-industrielle. Il a co-fondé la revue académique de sociologie de l’art «Artis Observatio.» Son art explore des concepts d’image liés aux questions macro-écologiques et sociales, basés sur une conception élargie de la peinture.


Nato nel 1997 a Würzburg, Fabian Raphael Sokolowski vive e lavora a Düsseldorf. Dal 2017 al 2024, ha studiato Belle Arti alla Kunstakademie di Düsseldorf con Peter Piller e Maximiliane Baumgartner. Tra il 2022 e il 2023, ha frequentato la Royal Academy of Fine Arts di Copenaghen sotto la guida di Ferdinand Ahm Krag.

Le sue opere sono state esposte in mostre personali e collettive, tra cui GalleryQ (Copenaghen), Malkastenpark (Düsseldorf) e Sotheby’s (Colonia). Inoltre, lavora come curatore e teorico, concentrandosi sulla responsabilità nella modernità post-industriale. Ha co-fondato la rivista accademica di sociologia dell’arte «Artis Observatio.» La sua arte esplora concetti d’immagine legati a questioni macro-ecologiche e sociali, basati su una concezione ampliata della pittura.


(*1997, Würzburg) Fabian Raphael Sokolowski lives and works in Düsseldorf. From 2017 to 2024, he studied Fine Arts at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf with Prof. Peter Piller and Painting with Prof. Maximiliane Baumgartner. Between 2022 and 2023, he attended the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen under Prof. Ferdinand Ahm Krag. In 2024, he completed his studies as a master student of Peter Piller. His works have been exhibited in solo and group shows, including GalleryQ (Copenhagen), Malkastenpark (Dusseldorf) and Sotheby’s (Cologne). Additionally, he works as a curator and theorist, focusing on responsibility in post-industrial modernity. He co-founded the academic journal for the sociology of art «Artis Observatio.» His art explores image concepts related to macro-ecological and social issues based on an expanded concept of painting.